
Wednesday, August 31, 2011

New Weekly Features Coming Soon

In an effort to increase my daily blogging I've created 2 NEW weekly features that will be coming soon!

Parent Teacher Conference (PTC) will feature some of  my favorite Parent and Teacher written blogs. Each week I'll choose one from each category and share them with you. I'll also use PTC to share idea's and methods of facilitating good communication skills between school and home. 

Teachers Tool Box Tuesday will feature DIY style posts on  how to create and implement everything from student work boxes, behavior plans, easy IEPs, classroom organization and structure, art and supplemental activities, and much more!

I hope you'll join me each week for these 2 NEW features coming soon! If there is enough interest, I'd be more than happy to open up a linky each week for you to join in and connect!


  1. So excited for these! I am a regular ed teacher but service several SPED students in my classroom in an inclusion class and then have a few others in one of my other classes. 2 of them have Spectrum Disorders and I know that I am going to learn a lot of wonderful information from your blog! Thanks for sharing with us!

    Adventures of a 6th Grade Teacher

  2. I love the teacher tool box idea. I am doing the same sort of thing on my blog as well. Please feel free to check it out :)
